Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I was feeling very patriotic last week and came up with this idea for these bath bomb fizzies. I didn't want to do the same scent, so all 3 layers are different. The red layer is strawberry, the white layer is vanilla bean, and the blue layer is blueberry delight. At first I thought it would be too much, but they smell super yummy!!! Not only are these bath fizzies, but they have a little something extra that will make them foam like bubble bath!! How fun is that?? All of my bath bomb fizzies are made with high quality oils so they are very moisturizing for your skin. Check back tomorrow for my latest lip gloss creation.


  1. This is so great Sandra! You are super creative...I love stuff like this too!
    You should own a store!!

  2. your lotions was amazing. it feels so good on your hands, really moisturizing.
